Sprint Galaxy Tab gets bumped to Gingerbread

Do you have a Samsung Galaxy Tab from Sprint and have been itching to get your hands on some Gingerbread goodness? Well the wait is over as of today! The update is over-the-air so you’ll have to keep mashing that “check for updates” button until you manage to get through, but once you do update you will not only get all the features Gingerbread has to offer but you will see some bug fixes as well:

  • Fixes for VPN
  • Bluetooth HID support
  • Power Management enhancements in Gingerbread

If you’re rooted and whatnot, please be sure to revert back to stock if possible and that your software is version EB28 so you can properly update to software EF17.

Source: How to update the Sprint Galaxy Tab to Gingerbread

1 thought on “Sprint Galaxy Tab gets bumped to Gingerbread”

  1. “Gingerbread” is a typo and you meant “Honeycomb” right? It’s amazing that Samsung, even while updating can manage to dick their customers.

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