I’m sure the marketing execs over at AT&T are getting a little heat about their “4G” HSPA+, which is good. Putting the heat on a company usually produces better results. In turn, CTO John Donovan has released a little update regarding their LTE network rollout.
The plan is to show some love to 5 major cities this summer (Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Chicago and Atlanta – Dang, Texas!) and release up to 20 4G devices within the year, although not all of those will be LTE capable. Aside from the fact that they’re going to have two types of “4G” which will make sales a giant pain, this is good news. I, for one, am glad that they’re moving away from HSPA+.
The release also talks about how they’ve invested more than any other company into their networks [$≠efficiency – ed] and about their plans to invest even more this year. Hopefully, they got their money’s worth, otherwise AT&T will be stuck with the fasted 3G network in the 4G era.
Source: AppleInsider
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Too little too late? I’m about to jump ship to Verizon if the Samsung Galaxy S 2 winds up there first.
You’re in a crap AT&T market, aren’t you?
u jelly, displaced Texan? ;)
I don’t care. I have good enough 3G coverage in my small Alabamian town.