As promised, I told you I’d reveal some exciting news this week, and here it is. We’re going to try and start to bring back the Photoshop Contest! Now, it’s not the most original idea, but it’s a lot of fun so we’re excited about it. Read more about this weeks contest after the break.
So the first photoshop contest is to help us kick off Survival Week!
The theme is the end of the world, you can see the example I made above.
Entries can be as serious or humorous as you like and the winners will be chosen by the ultra-fair system of which ones I like best.
Rules for entry:
– All submissions must be in .jpg or .gif format, less than 800k.
– No animated gifs.
– Please title the file with whatever name you’d like to be credited with (ex: Ron.jpg, McPoopPants.gif, etc.jpg)
– All entries must be received no later than Wednesday, March 30th!
Email your entries to: Ron@friedyoda.com/noisecast
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