Today marks the beginning of the much anticipated, world renown, semi annual Noisecast Survival Week! A week dedicated to the all the things that will kill you, and how you can’t fight back against them!
Oh, and also, a Monday Update.
Coming this week, survival tips from the pros (us) on how to fight back against Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, Aliens, Trolls, and much more! We’ll also have some other survival related stories for you to sink your face in to.
In addition to all that, we’re having our first ever photoshop contest! Be sure to enter and have your lovely entry displayed on our even lovelier website! The deadline is Wednesday so get crackin’!
Now for the rundown:
Americans are lazy (ironic because I considered skipping the monday update this week.)
Review of a fun Piano on stupid WP7
Remember the Zediva thing? Yup, illegal.
Two animated dudes making out.
Fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun.
Something about water, mmmm Jennifer Aniston
That’s it for me! Stay tuned today for the podcast and the first survival week article… because this one doesn’t count.
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