In a truly heartwarming story, the much adored actor, Jackie Chan, has survived his own Twitter death trend.
Late last night, without warning, a trend arose from the depths of twitter. The “RIP Jackie Chan” trend shocked many Twitter users who prefer to pull the trigger before doing any sort of research. Memories of good times with Mr. Chan and our favorite movie moments poured out through the internet for hours as we mourned the loss of a Hollywood icon.
Then, fighting against the odds, Jackie Chan rose from the grave and said “Dude, I’m totally alive and stuff.”**
The world was shocked, and we all learned a valuable lesson.
Just because it’s trending, doesn’t mean it’s true.
** Jackie Chan never said this.
This is but one of the many reasons why people on Twitter are fucking stupid.
Remember in 2008, before all the celebrities and tweens hopped on? That was when Twitter was at its best. Damn kids, get off my lawn.
Does this make me a twitter hipster? A twipster?
This is but one of the many reasons why people on Twitter are fucking stupid.
Remember in 2008, before all the celebrities and tweens hopped on? That was when Twitter was at its best. Damn kids, get off my lawn.
Does this make me a twitter hipster? A twipster?
Supercop can’t die, he’s Supercop.