So we’re not professionals. We didn’t get an invite from Apple. Hell, Apple has not responded to our many requests to be placed on their PR email list, so we can at least get news AFTER it is announced. Plus everyone at the Noisecast is going to be busy during the event in some way. Some of us have real jobs, some of us have school, some of us have meth addictions. But that doesn’t mean we can’t tweet the shit out of this event in a very Noisecasty way! So if you want to go read a liveblog, go right ahead. But keep your Twitter feed open to our account at @Noisecast for some seriously uncensored awesomeness. Who knows, you might end up witnessing a serious schizophrenic Twitter fight. Remember, the event starts at 1pm EST, 12:00pm CST, 10:00am PST, and 18:00 GMT.
Oh now I see this page. Good job on the sacrifical virgins, agrippa