So you’ve undoubtedly have heard that the PlayStation Network is back up and so is the North America PlayStation Store; which means that now’s the time to cash in your Welcome Back downloads.
Let’s for a second put aside that personally I’m still not very happy with the current state of security at Sony. There’s no need getting in to details; after all it seems like there’s a new breach, threat, or DDoS attack against Sony on what now feels like a daily basis. Hey hackers, we get it. The “Welcome Back” program is intended to try to smooth things over with their current base of 70 million users and the selection presented is nothing to sneeze at.
Offered for PlayStation 3 owners are Infamous, Dead Nation, Little Big Planet, Super Stardust HD, and WipEout HD/Fury – that’s 2 retail games and 3 from the PlayStation Store. Again, not bad bribe. Truth be told, all of these games are not going to cost you more than $30 retail, but if you’ve missed out or just wasn’t sure if a game was right for you, now’s the time to pull the trigger.
If you hadn’t already done so, pick up Infamous. Like right now. There’s really no reason not to download it. It’s a solid action title and you got about a week to get up to speed before the release of Infamous 2. Granted, some folks feel if you don’t already have this game you’re not a die-hard PSN user, but truthfully sometimes you have to be a responsible adult and you don’t get the latest game on its release date.
Another must get is WipEout HD/Fury – you get all the goodness that is WipEout HD plus the DLC. It’s an oldie but goody. If you’re not into racers this is probably a title you glossed over and believe me you’re missing out.
PSP Owners:
PSP owners also have an opportunity to download some free games. Of the four titles offered (Killzone: Liberation, LittleBigPlanet PSP, ModNation Racers PSP, and Pursuit Force) I honestly defaulted to LittleBigPlanet and Killzone for no other reason than familiarity with the titles. I haven’t picked up my PSP in about a year – so the “Welcome Back” program at least got me to turn it on, right?
Source: PlayStation
I thought PS3 had no gaemz?
Fukn n00b it has that blu-ray game.
I forgot I have a PSP. I guess I should go find the ac adapter and charge it up
It’s be nice if my Free PS3 game choices didn’t error out and then disappear. I think this is going to take a whole lot of work and time to get my free games now.
It’s be nice if my Free PS3 game choices didn’t error out and then disappear. I think this is going to take a whole lot of work and time to get my free games now.
I’ll get my “Welcome Back Rewards” when they unfuck their security issues so that I can be assured that my information won’t be scrawled on a Post-it and stuck to some IT geek’s monitor.
I have lived without Infamous and WipEout HD/Fury until now, if for some reason I don’t get them I will be just fine.