Listen, guys and gals. I’m not gonna judge you for being on a dating site. I totally get it. It’s 2011 and you could just as easily meet a new friend via Twitter as you could at a bar. They’re probably more interesting, too. So, you signed up for OK Cupid. And as you looked around the various profiles, you realized: “These people are all here because they’re as progressive as I am! They’re not desperate or lonely! They’re here because they want to live a courageous, forward-thinking, future life! So being weird is ok, because they TOTALLY GET IT.”
That’s called projection and, in this case, it’s not a good thing my friend.
The A(n)nals of Online Dating, aside from trying a little too hard at a pun I’m not sure I get, does the internet the service of not just cataloging all the crappy messages, IMs, and profile excerpts out there, but gives them a performance review. With a point system and everything!
This tumblr is required reading before any of you guys message someone on an online dating site. Right? Right.
[thanks branza]
Source: A(n)nals of Online Dating
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