Have you ever accidentally pressed the print button on a document that you definitely did not want to print? Recall that “oh shit” moment where you scramble to the printer and smash the STOP button repeatedly to save that preciously expensive ink from going to waste? Well that’s pretty much the same thing that happened to Google when a developer version of its upcoming Android Market was accidentally pushed to a device owned by blog Tech From 10 (site currently down due to traffic from The Noisecast). The blog released the upcoming Android Music app onto their site and it takes cues from its bigger Honeycomb brother. The app confirms a cloud-based streaming service from Android, similar to that of the Amazon Cloud Player, however the blog was not able to get the service to work. The blog also has released the new Market and some other apps for download on their site as well if you want to test them out, but know that they will only work on a few devices.
Source: Tech From 10
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