Episode 4 – We’re Full of Sh*t

Topic list for regular episode recorded on Friday. This episode went way off topic  but these were the proposed topics of discussion.

Current Roster: Steven, Gonzo, Kevlar, Ponies, MikeZ, Vitto

  1. Folding@Home: http://bit.ly/aOcEd2
  2. Facebook supports Prop 19 in Cali (legal pot)
  3. New B&N Nook tablet? suped up e-reader or crippled tablet? What’s the point? What about the B&N app on iPad? Is it iPad competition? Do we care? What’s the implication in its fight against Amazon? http://gizmodo.com/5673924/nook-color-barnes–nobles-full+color-tablet-with-apps-mags-and-books-for-250?skyline=true&s=i
  4. The PSP Phone!!! http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/26/the-playstation-phone/ Also, MicroSD instead of gay sony proprietary bullshit crap card fucking thing.
  5. Blackberry Playbook preview http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/26/blackberry-playbook-demoed-courtesy-of-rims-mike-lazaridis-and/
  6. White Ipad in the works? http://bit.ly/cdKbwi (NICE TRY BILL…)
  7. Rumor of Apple interested in purchasing Sony also facebook mentioned. clearly shenanigans but discuss implications. Good reads on why it won’t happen: http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2010/10/26/why-apple-wont-buy-facebook-or-sony/ and http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2010/10/26/3-reasons-why-apple-wont-buy-sony.aspx
  8. Why doesn’t Apple release pink iphones for breast cancer awareness? They hate boobies and are homosexual. (Kevlar’s opinion)(Vitto concurs)
  9. No White iPhone until Spring 2011 http://gizmodo.com/5674075/apple-you-cant-have-a-white-iphone-until-spring-2011 (whats the point of waiting?)
  10. Honorable mention. When I had wasps I got bug spray. This dude built a fucking humanoid android: http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/24/fauxhawk-robot-exterminates-wasps-is-something-of-a-fashion-vic/
  11. Windows 8 release date mentioned. http://gizmodo.com/5672038/ (there I fixed it)
  12. Notion Ink Adam promises 15+ hours on a charge: http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/24/notion-ink-founder-claims-adam-will-go-15-hours-on-a-charge/
  13. WebOs 2.0 now Official and Palm Pre2 gets spec’d http://gizmodo.com/5667626/webos-20-official-will-arrive-on-palm-pre-2-in-the-coming-months-in-us (WebOS 2.0 looks great, Palm Pre 2 not so much)
  14. Galaxy Tab WiFi-only model coming to best buy for $499.99 better pricing? Competition for iPad (despite being 7 inches)? http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/25/galaxy-tab-wifi-only-model-hitting-best-buy-for-499-99-sprint/
  15. Android Market now has 100k+ Apps http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/26/android-market-surpasses-100-000-apps-cant-stop-wont-stop-gr/ (most of them suck)
  16. Shuttleworth announces that from 11.04 on Ubuntu is moving to the Unity shell (currently used on Ubuntu netbook edition): http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/10/shuttleworth-unity-shell-will-be-default-desktop-in-ubuntu-1104.ars I personally like it on the netbook edition, not sure how I feel about it on the desktop edition. – Agrippa
  17. New slogan: Whitenoise: we’re full of shit, and like to sleep with our testicles in our hands (Is there any other way to sleep?)
  18. Personal Note by Kevlar: My wife got a doppler to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. It has an audio output so she records it on her laptop and emails it to me from the road. Super cheesy but fuck you, it’s awesome. OKAY: Link is http://bit.ly/bwJuQk
  19. Superman is apparently now a Hipster http://omg.yahoo.com/blogs/crush/superman-gets-a-hipster-makeover/488
  20. Factory Workers Poisoned by Toxic Gas While Building iPhone Screens (Again) : http://gizmodo.com/5673089/factory-workers-poisoned-by-toxic-gas-while-building-iphone-screens-again
  21. Flamewar faceoff. iLife ‘11 vs Live essentials 2011: http://lifehacker.com/5673681/lifehacker-faceoff-ilife-11-vs-live-essentials-2011
  22. MySpace relaunches as an entertainment hub http://www.dailyfinance.com/story/myspace-launches-massive-overhaul/19691019/
  23. New Yahoo Mail beta: http://features.mail.yahoo.com/
  24. World’s fastest Super Computer now Chinese. Should the Eagle be afraid now that the dragon is stirring? http://www.gearlog.com/2010/10/chinese_supercomputer_fastest-.php, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303443904575579070132492654.html
  25. Panasonic Kills Off Technics Turntables. End of an era. http://gizmodo.com/5675818/end-of-an-era-panasonic-kills-off-technics-turntables
  26. Penis tattoo
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