Remember the landmark ruling in Apple’s favor following the big Apple v. Samsung patent lawsuit last summer? Well the TL;DR version could be summed up as follows: A jury found that Samsung “willfully” infringed upon some of Apple’s patents and awarded them $1.049 Billion. Samsung was clearly unhappy with the results and contested the jury’s decision.
Good on them.
Today, U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh ruled that Apple had not proved that the “objectively high likelihood that [Samsung’s] actions constituted infringement of a valid patent.” In other words, that portion of the judgement was thrown out. Unfortunately for Samsung, that doesn’t mean that they’re off the hook.
TechRadar goes on to report that today’s decision only means that Apple can’t try to get even more money out of Samsung, a reported $3 billion on top of what has already been awarded.
Source: TechRadar
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