What do dildos and smartphones have in common? We don’t know, but Vivid Entertainment is pretty convinced that the HTC Vivid infringes on the porn company’s trademark. Usually porn and smartphones are two industries that are mutually exclusive from each other, with the exception of people using their smartphones to get access to pornography, but Vivid’s lawyers have shot off sent a cease and desist letter to HTC America claiming that the smartphone’s name will confuse consumers in believing that the phone was actually made by Vivid Entertainment. The letter says that HTC has until Monday to rename the device or else Vivid will take them to court.
So does Vivid Entertainment have a case against HTC? Let’s break it down:
Vivid Entertainment
- Products are deemed sexy and attractive
- Products provide one-handed stimulation
- Product usage not allowed in many workplaces
- Multi billion dollar consumer goods industry
- Source of pleasure and entertainment
- Celebrity partnerships
- New models keep coming every year
HTC America
- Products are deemed sexy and attractive
- Products provide one-handed stimulation
- Product usage not allowed in many workplaces
- Multi billion dollar consumer goods industry
- Source of pleasure and entertainment
- Celebrity partnerships
- New models keep coming every year
Now we can clearly see how the average consumer can mistakenly believe that Vivid Entertainment has the resources and credentials to develop a high-end smartphone. We contacted HTC for their take on this and HTC replied, “We are reviewing the complaint and don’t expect to have any further comment until it is resolved.” Yeah, HTC, we’re on the same boat as you on this one. No comment, with the addition of a double face palm.
Source: TMZ
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Your comparison between Vivid Ent. and HTC was the funniest thing I’ve read this week!