Social Media Expert Doesn’t Know How to Protect His Twitter Account

If you have any social media footprint whatsoever, you’ve probably come across at least one person who claims to be all knowing in making your media social. These experts claim to hold the keys to viral marketing success and some of them actually do.

Boasting over 50K followers and being a recognizable name in just about every social media outlet, Mark Davidson could easily boast that he was an internet taste-maker. That is until he fired the wrong grunt.

At the time of this writing, Mark’s twitter account was still unprotected and contained fairly humorous posts from the spurned former employee. One of my personal favorites: “So let me mow tell you the truth about @markdavidson. He can barely type social media much less know what it is.”

There’s something about a disgruntled employee that just gets my morning started on the right foot. Kudos to you ghostwriter of 4 years. No one was hurt (except maybe Mark’s credibility) and it was good for a couple of laughs. Check out the full stream below (we made sure to screen grab the tweets, you know, just in case).

Source: Twitter (@MarkDavidson)

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