Episode 40 of the podcast entitled “Dunno?” is out. You know the drill, you can read the show notes after the jump but you can give it a listen here or on our podcast page. We talk the usual shop, give our weekly complaints about patents, and horse around with the WTF! News. Have at it.
Podcast: Play in new window
Episode 40 Topic List
Date: August 7, 2011 Time: 8EST
Roster: Steven, Gonzo, Eric, Vitto, Ben
- German geniuses hit 800Mbps with light bulb WLAN (New York and Las Vegas could become the places with the fastest internet? trollface.jpg) — http://engt.co/n61JuW
- Some ISPs are hijacking search queries to earn cash. http://bit.ly/nzwgnV http://bit.ly/mRWjFU
- Internet Explorer Story Was Fabricated http://t.co/DTGhwN0
- Canalys: One Out Of Every Two Smartphone Users In The World Uses Android http://t.co/EYkPfuT
- Patent Law needs an overhaul. The following links are all related
- Google accuses Apple, Microsoft and Oracle of waging a ‘hostile’ campaign against Android with patents http://t.co/og3jNal
- British government agrees that copyright has gone too far http://t.co/QFocaaw
- If you want to see more jobs created – change patent laws: http://t.co/GCLr5Re
- Tawnie & Matt (mylittlepwny) share their great ideas on this in my G+ thread: http://bit.ly/qwpGKH
- Matt (mylittlepwny): They should make patents 10 years in length with a requirement that there be an active product in production/development/or contract utilizing the patent for it to be valid. If a product is available on the market a 5 year extension may be granted, but the company must make licenses available at a fair market rate. Derivative works must be licensed after 6 years, to allow for innovation and growth.Individuals may sell patent rights to a company, but the company must begin work to develop products within one year of the purchase date or the patent returns to the original owner or, if the current owner wishes, to the public domain.
Copyright for works of art should be reduced to 25 years for “works of art” corporate logos in active use should be maintained in protection for perpetuity.
Hows that? 10 years is enought to innovate and make companies move before needing to license instead of just sitting and would eliminate patent trolls, by making their investment worthless if they don’t do something with it.
- Unredacted Documents Show Music Labels Asking ISPs To Spy On Their Users http://t.co/L004gfy
- Pesky humans crash Google’s self-driving car http://t.co/g64baIn
- AT&T announces throttling plans, gently reminds us why the T-Mobile acquisition is so great http://t.co/OJdMUSN
- AT&T: no more unlimited data for illegal tetherers http://t.co/pGOHpl0
WTF! News:
- Who let the dogs in the yoga class? *sigh* Yoga + Dog = Doga? Really? http://yhoo.it/nGGDuC
- Truck runs over homeless man sleeping in car wash… Twice. http://bit.ly/qKvNYD
- Indian man goes to hospital for stomach pains, docs discover uterus: http://goo.gl/Noizm
- Woman Assaulted with Bratwurst http://bit.ly/nESJHd
- Disgruntled employee redesigns Wimbledon: http://t.co/ByHmXcC Looks kind fake to me – Gonzo
- New Mexico mayor was drunk when he signed deal – http://t.co/zhmWWC3
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