Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Coming to XBL & PSN

Kevlar has had too many beers
Anger management, I don’t need no steenken anger management!

Clearly the folks over at Capcom don’t think I should have a life this summer. Isn’t it obvious? They’re releasing SSFIV: Arcade Edition this summer as DLC for X-Box Live and Playstation Network (for owners of SSFIV)!

So what will be consuming every moment I’m not at work, writing, or sleeping? Four additional characters – Yang, Yun, Evil Ryu, and Oni – a totally new character to the world of Street Fighter (from the video it looks like he plays a lot like Goken). Each character will have their own animated prologue and epilogue, as well as alternate costumes will also be available if you’ve purchased previous packs.

On the game mechanics side we can expect updates to the Replay Channel, a new feature called My Channel Advance that will let you download your friends’ replays as soon as they’re available, Elite Channel if you want to see how the 3000PP+ community gets down, and tweaks to the game’s character balance.

I wonder if I can take a leave of absence once this come out?

Trailer after the jump.

Source: Capcom Unity

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