This is sort of a dull day with news. I won’t bore you more than I need to. Go to the roundup right after the jump.
- The long oversight of Microsoft by the justice department is ending with no sign of renewal.
The long anti-trust oversight of Microsoft is coming to an end and the Justice Department doesn’t seem inclined to renew it. Still an issue with Europe, but it would be hard to use the word monopoly given Apple’s dominance of the market, financially. For a monopoly to work, the company would have to be successful at fending off all competitors. In a real sense, part of Microsoft’s slack over the past decade or 15 years has been due to this mess. Anyway, we can all relax now, Netscape has been saved, this whole thing wasn’t just vindictive mudslinging on their part and they are a genuine, robust, and alive company… what? Oh… Never mind then. - Review of the Galaxy S II, the sequel to the most successful Android handset to date.
Engadget puts through a thorough review of the Galaxy S II. Look, I know, I know. I felt sorry for Engadget so I threw them this bone. Without the personalities that made them tick they are now a shadow of themselves. Sort of like Gawker. Oh, and review spoiler: It’s probably the best Smartphone on the planet right now. - Facebook be trippin’, yo.
Ars Technica went through some crap with Facebook. Someone vindictively accused them of infringing on their own copyright and Facebook, without investigation, took them down. The Ars facebook page is back up as of now, but the whole affair is recorded at the link. Basically, Ars is huge enough and has enough contacts that they could get this settled in a day, but they still got dicked and had to raise a row. Others aren’t so lucky, and it can be done by someone who hates you. Because they only way (that might be changing soon) to reverse it is to have the copyright claimant take it back, if the person gives fake credentials, you’re screwed. There are stories of fans stolen, businesses targeted, and one person being extorted. Fun stuff. - Hulu plus finally coming to Xbox 360. Free for the first week.
Finally! Now I can have one more thing I couldn’t care less about. So… um… when is Bittorrent coming to Xbox 360? L-O-L-Smily-Face. - Ubuntu Linux 11.04 is out. The old timers poo poo the design changes.
The old timers are mad. it is so different that they can’t figure it out. It’s like when Microsoft implemented the ribbon in office. If they just shut the fuck up for one second and used their non-prejudicial brain to think about it, they would see the efficiency and common sense in it. Furthermore, they still have the classic option and the ability to do everything they were always able to do. I mean, really jackasses? Go sit down. It’s not that crucial. If enough of you can’t get into it, you know this isn’t Apple. You know good and god damned well that it will be rolled back later if it fails. I for one welcome the experiment and if I don’t like it, I will change it back. - Windows 8 will allow you to roam with your settings.
I am ridiculously excited for this. It’s one of the features I love about ChromeOS. The fact that i can make any system feel like home. It’s not quite as all encompassing, but Windows 8 will let you sync your settings to the cloud and whenever you log into a Windows 8 device, it will sync your credentials and preferences. Of course you won’t have all your files and such, but still really cool.
Here, whatever:
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